I am feeling so much lighter and like a totally new person. All of the crap I was shoving down is gone, and I feel like my happy, carefree self again!

I am feeling so much lighter and like a totally new person. All of the crap I was shoving down is gone, and I feel like my happy, carefree self again!
I think this is the first time in my entire life that I’m not worried about time and I feel like all the cells are back in my body.
I can’t express enough how grateful I am for the tapping session with Sheri. I lived with fears of snakes all my life. I could not look at them even on a picture without tears and I had a panic attack when I saw one in person. They were coming to my dreams regularly and I was waking up in a cold sweat. And then, after just three sessions with Sheri I saw a snake, crossing the road in my neighborhood. I was able not only come closer and look at it without panic, fears and tears, I also grabbed a long stick and helped this snake to move out of the road, so an oncoming car wouldn’t kill it.
I don’t hate snakes anymore. I don’t want them to die. I found my peace with them. Just after three sessions with Sheri.
Sheri helped me process an emotional trauma using tapping and bars. I was very pleased with the results. I went from racing thoughts and being sick to my stomach nearly constantly to being much happier and calmer again. Sheri is an empathetic and caring person. Also very patient and kind. Go see her at her beautiful studio for some important self care.
I had an EFT session with Sheri. It really helped bring to light many thoughts that I didn’t even realize were holding me back. I was able to utilize tapping as a way to deal with anger and move past old stories that were living inside of me. Sheri is a compassionate listener who gives you the space to talk through deep seeded emotions. I highly recommend seeing Sheri if you are looking for ways to get unstuck !